Friday, April 8, 2011

to date

The new hollow pot technology which supposes to reduce the cost of the slab

We needed to lay lots of steel work

More steel work- this was painfully reminding me of the steel work on highways!

The neighbour's house which is right on our fence!!

Another neighbor's house which is now complete with roof

More steel detail

And to think that all these will be covered by concrete!

The side front of the ground floor

The guys at work
We've come a long way and to be honest I have been lazy to write about it. Not that it's not exciting, but there are so many things to think about and do, and all with deadlines! So I suppose those with no deadlines like this blog get relegated and it's hard to bring myself to do it. I have been feeling guilty because a few friends keep asking for the updates and I couldn't refer them to the blog...well because it was not updated. Well, here are a few pics to show where we were 3 weeks ago. We are about 8 courses higher and I hope I can update you on this next wekk.

Monday, January 24, 2011

More Joy

The progress has been incredible and this weekend, we hope to finalise the foundation. One of the things that has come out profoundly is that a firm house needs to built on a really rock solid foundation. Really good stuff right there. A few photo updates:

Monday, December 13, 2010


Work has begun! Albeit in the prep stages, but it has begun. The first step is to clear out some land for either the septic tank or the underground water storage tank...we haven't decided which one it will be, but it will be one of them.
We are so glad that at least something is happening! More later.
Eliud in the 'pit', already 3 or 4 feet

Monday, December 6, 2010


This week we need to buy stones...yes stones! This is because we need them dressed and dressing can take a while. If we are to stick to our January commitment to start building, the stones come in latest next week, especially to take care of the delays brought in by the Christmas and new year holidays.
We have pretty much decided on the colour of stone we are looking out for and it should be 'fun' to visit a few quarries to see if they have it! Ha! This is beginning to take shape!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The most important bit of getting approvals to build is here! Yes! Our plans were approved yesterday and now all that remains is really for us to determine the pace of our building. We certainly need to gather the monies needed and by January, we should start doing the main house.

In the meantime, we work on basics such as the septic tank, a site house and possible an outdoor toilet.
The journey has just begun!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's been a little quiet but we are making steady progress. The structural engineer completed his drawings a week ago and we had them submitted to the council, and were asked to wait for 14 days till they are approved. Apparently this is only the first stage of approval and only God knows when we can get to the final stages.

In true woman style, I have already began looking around for interior decor ideas. The structure is complete in my mind and I am now working the color and decor. My good husband can't get over this.
Well, this is my way of ensuring that I am still excited about it, in spite of all the delays by various councils. It's my one way of remaining sane!

Anyway, the drawing comes back to Mavoko on the 15th. I need to say 'should come back'. Let's wait and see...

Monday, September 27, 2010


This waiting is killing me. No word from the architect about the plans. Yes I trust him, but it's taking too long and I really can't wait to start construction...